Light fixtures can help furnish your home and brighten up a room. Moreover, they can attract grime, dirt, dust, cobwebs, and bugs, which reduce output and even shorten their lifespan.  However, you can do something to maintain light flow with some basic tasks. Though improper cleaning of your light fixtures can pose dangers like getting burned from a hot bulb, possibility of break it, or harming the wiring and having an electric shock. Luckily, you can prevent such issues and keep up its shine by doing the right techniques. Here are some of them: 

Cleaning chandeliers 

A chandelier provides a promising elegance level. However, its intricacy makes cleaning difficult. To clean a chandelier properly, make sure to do these tips: 

  • Utilize the similar cleaning steps/items and needed for plain glass 
  • Be very careful with frosted or etched glass 
  • Photograph or document every part you eliminate 
  • Never soak polychrome glass or any glass with painted-on or decals designs. Rather, you can choose to soak cotton swabs in diluted water and thoroughly and slowly wipe all over painted areas and decals. Utilize damp cloth to wipe other surfaces gently.  

Ways to clean recessed lighting 

If you want to clean this type of lighting, put away the covers, and quickly soak them. After that, rinse them off using clean water. Wipe down the fixtures and bulbs afterward with a damp cloth. Its parts could be changed once they become dry. A similar method can be utilized for flush-mounted ceiling lights. 

How to clean standard light fixtures 

While cleaning your fixtures, it’s essential to know the kind of fixture that you will work with. If you have basic fixtures to clean make sure to do the following: 

  • Ensure that all parts are dry before you replace them 
  • Soak them in soapy water for approximately 10 min. 
  • Eliminate globes or light covers before you clean them 
  • Combine mild soap with warm water in a sink or a dishpan 
  • Sweep or wipe fixtures, covers, and bulbs gently to eliminate debris or dust 
  • Turn off the lights and wait for thirty min. for them to cool 

Never rush 

If you’re rushing to clean your light fixtures, then you won’t be able to clean your bulbs, lamps, and lights safely or properly. Taking your time provides you an opportunity to be careful and do it well. Moreover, it minimizes the risk of home accidents and leads to cleaning that enables you to enjoy the potential and the true beauty of your lighting. 

Get the appropriate cleaning supplies 

Essential items include microfiber cloths that will not leave behind any grime or lint, an extendable electrostatic duster, and a secure step ladder. Get a lint roller and a dishpan. To clean light fixtures, you can utilize a glass cleaner, mild dish soap, or even a homemade cleaning solution with a mixture of vinegar and water.  

Now that you know how to maintain and clean light fixtures, now is the time to decide to install them. If interested contact the best ?electrician companies Fort McMurray now.